新西兰驻喀布尔, 阿富汗

New Zealand Embassy, Kabul

Address: 15th St. Roundabout,, Wazir Akbar Khan

城市: 喀布尔

Phone: +93 700 102 000 ext 2376

Website: http://www.mfat.govt.nz/Embassies/1-NZ-representatives-overseas/0-embassies-list.php

Email: [email protected]

Details: Ambassador: Neville Reilly Kabul is a sole-person post, located within the British Embassy at this address. The Ambassador’s frequent absences from post mean capacity to respond quickly to requests from, or incidents involving New Zealanders is strictly limited. New Zealanders would be advised to register with the NZ Embassy in Tehran and to notify the Embassy in Tehran on +98 21 2612 2175 if special assistance is required or travel documents are lost.


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