나소에서 도미니카 영사관, 바하마

바하마 도미니카 공화국 영사관

Address: N°15 Harmony Hill P.O.BOX N-766

도시: 나소

Phone: (242) 326.2618 / +1.242.326.2618

Fax: (242) 356.6235 / +1.242.356.6235

(1) 코멘트

  • Gabiele July 15, 2017 @ 12:20 am

    15 Harmony Hill IS NOT a consulate for the DR in Nassau Bahamas. I have lived at this address for many years. Do not come to this address. I believe that Mr. Mcweeny might still be the honorary consulate. Try the numbers listed above to determine the correct location. As I said the listed address is not current. When people show up we can only tell them we are not the consulate. Also the P.O Box listed above might be valid. It is not mine.

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