에레반 벨기에 영사관, 아르메니아

Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Erevan, Armenia

Address: 10 rue David Anhaght, batiment 2, 0037 Erevan

City: Erevan

Phone: + (374) (10) 28 96 86

Email: [email protected]

(1) 코멘트

  • Soeren Klem March 6, 2017 @ 2:01 pm

    I have the following question regarding Armenian citizens’ application for short term visa to Belgium. As Belgium has no embassy in Armenia I would like to know which European embassy will issue that visa on behalf of Belgium? It is the German embassy or the French?

회신을 남겨주세요 Soeren Klem 답장 취소

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