标签: 比利时

埃及驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

埃及驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

埃及驻比利时布鲁塞尔大使馆地址:Av. de l’Uruguay 19, 1000 Bruxelles, 比利时 电话:(+32) 2 663 58 20 / 28 传真:(+32) 2 675 58 88 埃及驻比利时布鲁塞尔大使馆地图

吉布提驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

吉布提驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

吉布提驻比利时布鲁塞尔大使馆地址:Av.富兰克林·罗斯福 204, 1050 布鲁塞尔, 比利时 电话:(+32) 2 347 69 61 | +32 2 347 69 67 传真:(+32) 2 347 69 63 开放时间:09:00-15:30(周一至周五) 吉布提驻布鲁塞尔大使馆地图

Embassy of Cote d’Ivoire in Brussels, Belgium

Embassy of Cote d’Ivoire in Brussels, Belgium

Embassy of Cote d’Ivoire in Brussels, Belgium Address: Av. Franklin Roosevelt 234, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium Phone: (+32) 2 661 34 53 | +32 2 672 23 57 Fax: (+32) 2 672 04 91 Opening time: 09:30-16:00 (Monday-Friday) Map of Ivorian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

Congolese Consulate General in Antwerp, Belgium

Congolese Consulate General in Antwerp, Belgium

Consulate General of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Antwerp, Belgium Address: Maarschalk Gerardstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium Phone: +32 3 260 09 20 Map of Congolese Consulate General in Antwerp, Belgium

Congolese Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

Congolese Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Brussels, Belgium Address: Rue Marie de Bourgogne 30, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium Phone: (+32) 2 213 49 82 | +32 2 213 49 80 Fax: (+32) 2 213 49 95 Opening time: 9:00-12:00 & 15:00-16:30 (Monday – Friday) Map of Congolese Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

乍得驻布鲁塞尔大使馆, 比利时

乍得驻布鲁塞尔大使馆, 比利时

Embassy of Chad in Brussels, Belgium Address: Boulevard Lambermont 52, Schaerbeek, 1030 Brussels, Belgium Phone: (+32) 2 215 19 75 Fax: (+32) 2 216 35 26 Email: [email protected] Website: http://ambassade-du-tchad.be Opening time: + Monday-Thursday: 10:00-12:00 & 13:00-15:00 + Friday: 10:00-12:00 Map of Chadian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

喀麦隆驻布鲁塞尔大使馆, 比利时

喀麦隆驻布鲁塞尔大使馆, 比利时

喀麦隆驻布鲁塞尔, Belgian Address: 大道布鲁格曼 131, 森林, 1190 布鲁塞尔, Belgian Phone: (+32) 2 345 18 70 传真: (+32) 2 344 57 35 电子邮件: [email protected] 网站: www. Cameroon.be 社交媒体 + Facebook www.facebook.com/cameroon.be + Twitter twitter.com/cameroonbe 办公时间:09:00-17:00(周一至周五) 喀麦隆驻比利时布鲁塞尔大使馆地图

布隆迪驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

布隆迪驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

Embassy of Burundi in Brussels, Belgium Address: Square Marie-Louise 46, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Phone: (+32) 2 230 45 35 | (+32) 2 230 45 48 Fax: (+32) 2 230 78 83 Email: [email protected] Social media: www.facebook.com/ambassade.burundi.bruxelles Working time: 09:00 – 17:00 (Monday-Friday) Map of Burundian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

Embassy of Burkina Faso in Brussels, Belgium

Embassy of Burkina Faso in Brussels, Belgium

Embassy of Burkina Faso in Brussels, Belgium Address: Guido van Arezzoplein 16, 1180 Ukkel, Bruxelles, Belgique Phone: (+32) 2 345 99 12 Fax: (+32) 2 345 06 12 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: www.ambassadeduburkinafaso.be Social media: www.facebook.com/ambassadeBurkinaFasoBruxelles/ Office hours Monday-Friday: 09:00 – 13:00 / 14:30 – 17:00 Map of Burkinese Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

博茨瓦纳驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

博茨瓦纳驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

Embassy of Botswana in Brussels, Belgium Address: Avenue de Tervuren 169, Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, 1150 Brussels, Belgium Phone: +32 (0)2 735 2070 Fax: (+32) 2 735 63 18 Email: [email protected] Website: www.botswana-brussels.com Social media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/Embassy-of-Botswana-to-the-European-Union-100299695202965 Twitter: twitter.com/EmbassyBWtoBR Map of Botswana Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

贝宁驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

贝宁驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

Embassy of Benin in Brussels, Belgium Address: Avenue de lObservatoire o5 , 1180 Bruxelles , Belgium Phone: +32 2 375 06 74 Fax: +32 2 375 83 26 Email: [email protected] Map of Beninese Embassy in Brussels, Belgium

阿富汗驻布鲁塞尔大使馆, 比利时

阿富汗驻布鲁塞尔大使馆, 比利时

地址:61, Avenue de Wolvendael, 1180 Bruxelles 电子邮件:[email protected][email protected] 传真:(+32) 2 761 31 67 电话:(+32) 2 761 31 66 网站:http ://www.afghanembassy-brussels.org/contact-us.html 使馆工作时间:周一至周五 08:30 – 16:30 领事馆工作时间:周一至周五 09:00 – 12:00 此地图显示的位置阿富汗 大使馆在比利时

越南驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

越南驻布鲁塞尔, 比利时

越南驻比利时布鲁塞尔大使馆 地址:1 Boulevard General Jacques, 1050 布鲁塞尔,比利时 城市:布鲁塞尔 电子邮件:[email protected] 传真:+32 (0)2 374 9376 电话:+32 (0)2 379 2737网站:http://www.vietnamembassy.be/en 越南驻比利时布鲁塞尔大使馆的位置 关于越南驻比利时大使馆 越南驻布鲁塞尔大使馆为[...]提供一系列领事服务