多米尼加共和国 Consulate in Bahamas Address: N°15 Harmony Hill P.O.BOX N-766 City: Nassau Phone: (242) 326.2618 / +1.242.326.2618 传真: (242) 356.6235 / +1.242.356.6235
Consulate of the Dominican Republic 地址: PO Box 3238, Rundle Mall SA 5000, Suite 172, 461 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Vic 3004 市: Melbourne Phone: (03) 9866 1663, 0419 172 175 传真: (03) 9866 1446 办公时间: 预约
Consulate of the Dominican Republic 地址: PO Box 3238, Rundle Mall SA 5000, 25 Chesser Street, Adelaidem SA 5000, Australia City: South Australia 电话: (08) 8359 3005 传真: (08) 8359 3131 办公时间: 周一 – 周五:上午 9 点至中午 12 点