Embassy of Italy in Dhaka, Bangladesh Address: Plot n.2/3 Road 74/79 Gulshan P.O. Box 6062, 1212 City: Dhaka Phone: 88 02 882 2781 Fax: 88 02 882 2578 Website: http://www.ambdhaka.esteri.it/Ambasciata_Dhaka Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday From 9 am to 3 pm
Embassy of Italy in Bahrain Address: Villa 1554 Road 5647 Block 356 City: Manama Phone: +973.1725.2424 Fax: +973.1727.7060 Website: http://www.ambmanama.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Baku, Azerbaijan Address: 44, Kichic Gala Kuchesi. (Icheri Sheher) City: Baku Phone: 99 412 975133 Fax: 99 412 975202 Website: http://www.ambitalbaku.com Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Vienna, Austria Address: Metternichgasse, 13 City: Vienna Phone: 431 712 5121 Fax: 431 713 9719 Website: http://www.ambitaliavienna.org Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Canberra, Australia Address: 12 Grey Street, DEAKIN – ACT – 2600 City: Canberra Phone: (+61 2) 6273 3333 Fax: (+61 2) 6273 4223 Website: http://www.ambcanberra.esteri.it Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 – 12.00 Details: The Ambassador: Gian Ludovico de MARTINO di MONTEGIORDANO
Embassy of Italy in Yereven, Armenia Address: Viale Italia 5 City: Yerevan Phone: 3741 542 335 Fax: 3741 542 341 Website: http://www.ambjerevan.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Buenos Aires, Argentina Address: Billinghurst 2577 City: Buenos Aires Phone: +5411 4801 3232 Fax: +5411 4011 2159 Website: http://www.ambbuenosaires.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Falmouth Harbour, Antigua Address: Falmouth Harbour City: Antigua Phone: +1268 4601 543 Fax: +1268 4601 444 Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Luanda, Angolo Address: Rua Americo Boavida, 49/51 City: Luanda Phone: 24 42 331245 Fax: +244 3337 43 Website: http://www.ambluanda.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Italian Embassy in Barcellona, Andorra Address: Calle Mallorca, 270 City: Barcellona Phone: +34 9346 773 05 Fax: +34 9348 700 02 Website: http://www.consbarcellona.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Algiers, Algeria Address: 18, Rue Mohammed Ouidir Amellal, 16030 El Biar, Algiers, Algeria City: Algiers Phone: +213 21 922550/922330 Fax: (+213) 21 925986 Website: http://www.ambalgeri.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Tirana, Albania Address: Rr. Papa Gjon Pali II, N. 2 City: Tirana Phone: +355 4275 900 Fax: +355 42 250921 Website: http://www.ambtirana.esteri.it Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Italy in Kabul, Afghanistan Address: Great Massoud Road City: Kabul Phone: (+93) 20 21 03 144, (+93) 20 21 03 844 Fax: (+39) 06 46 91 35 60 Website: http://www.ambkabul.esteri.it Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Embassy of Italia in Hanoi, Vietnam Address: 9, Le Phung Hieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam City: Hanoi Phone: 84 4 825 6256 Fax: 84 4 826 7602 Website: http://www.embitalyvietnam.org Email: [email protected]