Консульство Либерии в Мельбурне, Австралия

Consulate General of Liberia in Melbourne, Australia

Address: Liberian Consulate General, 550 Swan Street, Richmond , Victoria 3121, Australia

Город: Мельбурн

Phone: (+61) 3 9428 8681

Fax: (+61) 3 9428 8703

Office Hours: By appointment

Details: General Consul: Mr Mark Oman

(5) Comments

  • John Zoebedeh Mulbah August 8, 2016 @ 5:40 am

    Уважаемый господин/госпожа,
    I am a Liberian refugee but residing in Sydney, Australia. I am in trouble with the Australian government. I was brought here by UNHCR. I therefore want you to please tell the Liberian government to help me go back home. I feel unsaved to stay here longer. I will be happy if you make this possible as soon as you can. I can also be reached on 0401723374.

    I thank you for your help and waiting to hearing from you soon.

    Yours faithfully,

    John Mulba

  • Rev. Abraham David August 30, 2016 @ 12:02 pm

    Dear Hon. Oman,

    I am Rev. Abraham David, Senior Pastor of the Lord’s Chosen Ministries in Liberia. Our Ministries will be celebrating her seven anniversary in Liberia and we was bless to have three of our brethrens from Indonesia in person of Pastor Jimmy Oswald Mumu, Pastor Samuel Tandiassa and Bro Ronny W. Tanjung that has been led by God to attend this great anniversary in January 2017.

    Hon. Oman, we are kindly asking your humble to please assist our brethrens by obtaining them a Liberia visa to able them attend this annual event.
    God bless you.

    Please send me a respond.

    Your fellow laboere,
    Rev Abraham David

  • Rev. Abraham David August 30, 2016 @ 12:19 pm

    Dear Hon. Oman,

    The leadership in agreement with the congregation of the Lord’s Chosen ministries in Liberia is please to give thank to you in recognition and appreciation of the valuable services rendered the Liberian citizens in and around Australia. It is our prayer that this recognition will motivate you and your staffs to continue those good virtues which had been recognized by the church.

    Hon. Oman, we want for you to please assist our guest from Indonesia in persons of Pastor Jimmy Oswald Mumu, Pastor Samuel Tandiassa and Bro. Ronny W. Tanjung with Liberia visa to able them travel to Liberia and attend our annual seven anniversary in January 2017.

    We look forward for a positive respond.

    God bless you.
    Your follower laborer in the Lord,

    Pastor Abraham David
    Senior Pastor
    Lord’s Chosen Ministriaes in Liberi

  • Kirsten Matz February 14, 2017 @ 5:51 am

    I am trying to make contact with the Liberian Consulate however the phone line is ringing out and I am unable to ‘send and edit’ as you require a Liberian Consulate email adress which isnt listed to submit your enquiry. What am I meant to do from here

  • Tori April 24, 2017 @ 1:39 am

    Why does the phone ring out!? We have to get an official document from the consulate and there’s not even anyone to take the calls.. ridiculous

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