Embaixada Chinesa em Viena,Áustria

Embaixada Chinesa em Viena,Áustria

Endereço: Metternichgasse 4, 1030 Viena, Áustria

Cidade: Viena

Telefone: 0043-1-714314948 (24 horas)

Fax: 0043-1-7136816

Site: http://at.chineseembassy.org

E-mail: [email protected]

(1 comentário

  • Bogdan November 27, 2024 @ 9:08 pm

    Hello sirs! I am Ukranian registered in Austria , working as seaman. I wanted to ask if it’s possible to get Chinese Visa to allow me enter the country so I could board the vessel in city Fujian. What do I need to receive Visa and how much time it would take ?

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