Embassy of Switzerland in Austria Address: Prinz-Eugen-Strabe 7 시티: Vienna Phone: (43-1) 795 050 팩스: (43-1) 795 0521 이메일: [email protected]
Embassy of Switzerland in Australia Address: 7 멜버른 애비뉴, 포레스트 ACT 2603 Australia City: Canberra Phone: (61-2) 6162 8400 팩스: (61-2) 6273 3428 이메일: [email protected] Office Hours: 월~목요일 09:00~12:00 / 14:00~16:00 금요일 09:00~11:30 토,일요일 휴무
Embassy of Switzerland in Buenos Aires, Argentina Address: Avenida Santa Fe 846, 10 piso, Apartado 76, Sucursal 69, Pza San Martín, C1059ABP Buenos Aires, Argentina City: Buenos Aires Phone: (0054 11) 4311-6491 Fax: (0054 11) 4313-2998 Website: http://www.eda.admin.ch/buenosaires Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 09.00-12.00
Embassy of Switzerland in Algeria Address: 2, Rue Numero 3, PO Box 443 16035, Paradou City: Alger Phone: (+213-21) 600422, 606960, 607680 Fax: (+213-21) 609854 Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Switzerland in Albania Address: Ruga e Elbasanit 81 City: Tirana Phone: (+355-4) 234888 Fax: (+355-4) 234890, 234889 Email: [email protected]
Swiss Cooperation Office SDC in Kabul, Afghanistan. Address: Street 13, Side Street 3 House, 486 Wazir Akbar Khan Kabul City: Madrid Phone: 0093 202 301 565 Fax: 0093 202 302 299 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 9:00-13:00, Monday to Friday