카불에 있는 캐나다 대사관, 아프가니스탄

Embassy of Canada in Kabul, Afghanistan

Address: Street No. 15,

House No. 256

와 지르 아크바르 칸

도시: 카불

Phone: (011 93 (0) 799) 742-800

Fax: (011 93 (0) 799) 742-805

Website: http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Sunday to Thursday, 08:00 to 16:30 The embassy is closed on Friday and Saturday

(1) 코멘트

  • popal July 29, 2017 @ 3:35 pm

    My name is popal from qarabagh district kabul province I am captain in kabul military training center (K M T C ) I am working there since 8 years I was happy with my job but now I want to leave Afghanistan and also army because the taliban have call me that they will kill me.sex month before they killed 54 militant people here in qarabagh district also they called me many times and push me to leave the job now I want to go Canadian please guide me, how I can?

    Regards: popal

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