포트 루이스 호주 영사관, 모리셔스

Australian High Commission in Port Louis, Mauritius

Address: 2nd Floor, Rogers House, 5 President John Kennedy Street, Port Louis, Mauritius

City: Port Louis

Phone: 230 202 0160

Fax: 230 208 8878

Website: http://www.mauritius.embassy.gov.au/

Email: [email protected],[email protected]

Details: The High Commission will be open from 8am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday. For visa and immigration information please visit the High Commission at the following times: For Business and Visitors Visas: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 to 12:00. For Immigration, Student Visas and Returning Resident Visas: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 09:00 to 10:00.

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