Consolato del Botswana a Nassau, Bahamas Indirizzo: #7 Waterloo Road P.O. Box SS-19725, Nassau, Bahamas Telefono: (+1 242) 325-2914 | (+1 242) 602-4666 E-mail: [email protected]
Consulate of Uruguay in Nassau, Bahamas Address: 21 Montrose Ave City: Nassau Phone: +1-242 328-5165 Fax: +1-242 325-9127
U.S. Embassy in Nassau, Bahamas Address: 42 Queen St, Nassau, Bahamas City: Nassau Phone: +242 322-1181 ext. 0 Fax: +242-356-7174 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Social: Facebook: Twitter: Google map of American Embassy in Nassau, Bahamas
Consolato svizzero alle Bahamas Indirizzo: Goodman’s Bay Corporate Centre, Città: Nassau Telefono: (+1-242) 5022200 Fax: (+1-242) 5022300
Consolato Onorario di Svezia a Nassau, Bahamas Indirizzo: Cable Beach Manor Hotel, West Bay St., Nassau P.O. Box CB 11000, Nassau, Bahamas Città: Nassau Telefono: +1 (242) 327 79 44 Fax: +1 (242) 327 77 82 E-mail: [email protected]
Consulate of Sierra Leone in Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas Address: Fredrick Street P.O. Box AP 59205, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas City: Nassau, New Providence Phone: +1 242 424 8516 Fax: +1 202 478 0749 Website:
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Nassau Address: #9 Devonshire Drive, Coral Harbour, 30 Ludlow Streer, PO BOX 4225, Nassau, Bahamas City: Nassau Phone: (00-12-42) 328-72-38 Fax: (00-12-42) 326-24-91 Website: http://- Email: [email protected] [email protected]
Consulate for the Republic of Peru in Bahamas Address: Sandrighan House, 83 Shirley Street City: Nassau Phone: (+1-242) 32285719 Fax: (+1-242) 3287727
Consolato reale norvegese a Nassau P.O. Box CB-13048 Città: Nassau Telefono: +1-242-322-4270; N. cellulare +1-242-454-2891 Fax: +1-242-322-4280 o +1-713-735-1172 Sito web: Orari d'ufficio : 09.00 – 17.00 Sabato 09.00-12.00 Indirizzo della visita: Dockendale House West Bay Street Dettagli: Console John Moyell
Consolato dei Paesi Bassi a Nassau, Bahamas Indirizzo: Gladstone Rd. Nord, all'interno dell'ufficio Bahamas Waste Ltd., P.O. Box N 44 Città: Nassau Telefono: 00-1-242-3616398 Fax: 00-1-242-3616842 E-mail: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Malta in Nassau, Bahamas Address: 18, Hibiscus Beach, Cable Beach, Nassau, Bahamas City: Nassau Phone: 00 242 327 7815 Fax: 00 242 327 7391 Email: [email protected]
Consolato giamaicano alle Bahamas P.O. Box N-3451 Città: Nassau Telefono: 242-394-8538 Fax: 242-394-8538 E-mail: [email protected] Dettagli: CONSOLE ONORARIO: MR PATRICK HANLAN
Consolato Onorario d'Italia alle Bahamas Indirizzo: c/o Quality Service Ltd West Queen's Highway Freeport Grand City: Nassau Telefono: +1.242.651.2662 Fax: +1.242.351.2682 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Indonesia in Nassau, Bahamas Address: #4 Cater Street, Oakes Field, Nassau, Bahamas City: Nassau Phone: (242) 322-3759 Fax: (242) 322-3759 Email: [email protected]
Consolato islandese alle Bahamas Indirizzo: G.K. Edificio Symonette, Shirley Street P.O. Box CB-10957, New Providence, Nassau Città: Nassau Telefono: 1 242 323 1234 Fax: 1 242 326 3779/89 E-mail: [email protected] Dettagli: —
Ambasciata di Haiti alle Bahamas P.O. Box N 666, Sears Building, East Shirley Street Città: Nassau Telefono: 242-326-0325 Fax: 242-322-7712
Consolato Onorario della Grecia a Nassau Indirizzo: Olympia Building, West Bay Street, P.O. Box N7682, Nassau Città: Nassau Telefono: (001242) 3233495 Fax: (001242) 3233523
Consolato Generale Onorario di Germania a Nassau Indirizzo: c/o Banque SCS Alliance Nassau) Ltd., Alliance House, East Bay Street, Nassau. P.O. Casella N 1724, Nassau, Bahamas. Città: Nassau Telefono: (001 242) 394 61 61 Fax: (001 242) 394 62 62
Dominican Republic Consulate in Bahamas Address: N°15 Harmony Hill P.O.BOX N-766 City: Nassau Phone: (242) 326.2618 / +1.242.326.2618 Fax: (242) 356.6235 / +1.242.356.6235
Royal Danish Consulate in Nassau, Bahamas Address: c/o United Shipping Co. Ltd., Beaumont House Arcade, Bay Street City: Nassau Phone: (242) 3221340 Fax: (242) 3238779