Tanzanian Consulate in Luanda, Angola

Consulate of Tanzania in Angola

Address: Rua Conego manuel das Neves 170 C.P. 1333

शहर: लुआंडा

Phone: +244-222-449105

Fax: +244-222-449134

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: 9:00-2:30

(2) Comments

  • DR Jam September 28, 2015 @ 1:22 pm


    I just went there today.
    Working telephone number: +244 222446813; Staff member: Ms. Ana Maria;
    Average time for visa application: 3 business days
    Minimum required documentation for Tourist Visa:
    A) Passport
    B) 2 (two) photos (passport type)
    C) Processing Fee: USD 50,00

    Thank you for the provided address as it is still in effect.

  • Makombu da Conceição July 15, 2024 @ 7:28 pm

    Je suis en Angola et je souhaites traité le visa pour l’Irland
    Merçi pour l’information

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