दक्षिण यारा, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में फिनिश वाणिज्य दूतावास

Honorary Vice Consulate of Finland in South Yarra, Australia

Address: 38-40 Garden Street South Yarra Victoria 3141

City: South Yarra

Phone: +61-3-9822 2472

Fax: +61-3- 9824 8310

Email: [email protected]

(1) टिप्पणी करें

  • Vernon J. POTGER December 14, 2019 @ 3:28 am

    I had the good fortune to visit your country Finland, a few years ago. Unfortunately, my stay was too brief but nevertheless, it was a memorable sojourn.
    I wish the young women now politically leading your country, Every Success, Good Health and a Supportive Country.
    It is the “educated young” that will take this world forward, especially the females.
    Thank you.

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