Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Dhaka, Bangladesh Address: House # 24A, Suite #2A, Road# 42, Gulshan-2, Dhaka – 1212 City: Dhaka Phone: (8802) 9896990 Fax: (8802) 9896985 Website: http://www.consubel.net Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Business Hour The consulate is open to the public from Sundays through Thursdays between 9.00 and 12.00 and on appointment between 14.00 […]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Manama, Bahrain Address: Villa 843, Road 1323, Block 513, Maqabah – Saar 513, Bahrain P.O. Box 21109 Central Market Manama, Bahrain City: Manama Phone: + (973) (39) 68.29.31 Fax: + (973) (17) 52.21.27 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Nassau, Bahamas P.O. Box CB-11090, Nassau City: Nassau Phone: + (1) (242) 357.8856 Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Belgium in Baku, Azerbaidjan Address: Suleyman Dadashov Street, 19, AZ 1073 BAKU – Azerbaidjan City: Baku Phone: + (994) (12) 437.37.70 Fax: + (994) (12) 437.37.71 Email: [email protected] Details: Ambassador Philippe Jottard
Representations to International Organisations Address: Wohllebengasse, 6/3, A-1040 Wien City: Vienna Phone: + (43) (1) 505.63.64 Fax: + (43) (1) 505.03.88 Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Belgium in Vienna, Austria Address: Wohllebengasse, 6, A-1040 Wien, Austria City: Vienna Phone: + (43) (1) 502.070 Fax: + (43) (1) 502.07.11 (consular affairs) + (43) Website: http://www.diplomatie.be/vienna Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9 AM to 12 AM 2 PM to 4 PM
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Salzburg, Austria Address: Getreidegasse 31/3, 5020 Salzburg , AUSTRIA City: Salzburg Phone: + (43) (662) 64.58.05 Fax: + (43) (662) 84.32.99 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Leonding, Austria Address: Tizianstrasse 12a, A – 4060 Leonding City: Linz Phone: (43) (732) 671.672 Fax: (43) (732) 671.672 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Innsbruck, Austria Address: Andreas Hofer Strasse 1, A – 6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA City: Innsbruck Phone: + (43) (512) 58.93.44 Fax: + (43) (512) 57.95.64 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Graz, Austria Address: Keplerstrasse, 105, A 8020 Graz City: Graz Phone: + (43) (316) 76.76.76 – 14 Fax: + (43) (316) 76.76.76 – 13 Email: [email protected]
डार्विन, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में बेल्जियम का वाणिज्य दूतावास पता: विलियम फोस्टर चेम्बर्स, 26 हैरी चैन एवेन्यू, डार्विन एनटी 0800 जीपीओ बॉक्स 4369, डार्विन एनटी 0801, ऑस्ट्रेलिया शहर: डार्विन फोन: + (61) (8) 8982 4724 + (61) (8) ) 8982.4700 फैक्स: + (61) (8) 8941.1541 ईमेल: [email protected]
सिडनी, ऑस्ट्रेलिया में बेल्जियम का मानद वाणिज्य दूतावास पता: सुइट 302, 27-39 एबरक्रॉम्बी स्ट्रीट, चिप्पेंडेल एनएसडब्ल्यू 2008, सिडनी पीओ बॉक्स ए1208, सिडनी साउथ एनएसडब्ल्यू 1235 शहर: सिडनी फोन: + (61) (2) 9310 2588 फैक्स: + ( 61) (2) 9310 2128 ईमेल: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Perth, Australia Address: Suite 1, 61 Hampden Road, Nedlands WA 6009 PO Box 476, Claremont WA 6910 City: Perth Phone: + (61) (8) 9200 4490 + (61) (8) 9309 6306 (to leave a message) Fax: + (61) (8) 9387 6307 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: by appointment.
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Melbourne, Australia Address: c/o Tennis Australia, Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne Park, Batman Avenue, Melbourne VIC 3000, cfr TA. Priv. Bag 6060, Richmond South VIC 3121 City: Melbourne Phone: + (61) (3) 9914 4321 Fax: + (61) (3) 9650 2743 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Hobart, Australia Address: 111 Macquarie Street, Level 3, Hobart TAS 7000 GPO Box 591 , Hobart TAS 7001 City: Hobart Phone: + (61) (3) 6211.1111 Fax: + (61) (3) 6234.2181 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Brisbane, Australia Address: 175 Eagle Street, Level 8, Brisbane QLD 4000, C/Templetons, GPO Box 1548, BRISBANE QLD 4001 City: Brisbane Phone: +61 7 32118020 Fax: +61 7 32119820 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Adelaide, Australia Address: 7 Constellation Court, North Haven SA 5018 City: Adelaide Phone: + (61) (8) 8348 2681 Fax: + (61) (8) 8348 4457 Email: [email protected]
Embassy of Belgium in Canberra, Australia Address: 19, Arkana Street, Yarralumla ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA City: Canberra Phone: + 61 (0)2 6273.2501/02 Fax: + 61 (0)2 6273.3392 Website: http://www.diplomatie.be/canberra Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday : 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and 1.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Friday : 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and […]
Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Erevan, Armenia Address: 10 rue David Anhaght, batiment 2, 0037 Erevan City: Erevan Phone: + (374) (10) 28 96 86 Email: [email protected]
Consulate of Belgium in Resistencia, Argentina Address: Avenida Laprida, 2690, 3500 Resistencia, Argentina City: Resistencia Phone: + (54) (3722) 42.42.13 Details: Consul Bernard Ducarme