Honorary Consul in Austria (Steiermark, Burgenland and Lower Austria) Address: 0Glacisstrasse 37, A-8010 Graz, Austria City: Steiermark Phone: +43 (0) 316 33 79 76 Fax: +43 (0) 316 33 80 48 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consul in Austria (Linz) Address: Rossenger Strasse 58, 4020 Linz, Austria City: Linz Phone: + 43 6509902109 Fax: + 43 15265858 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consul in Austria (Salzburg) Address: Franz-Hattinger Strasse 14, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria City: Salzburg Phone: +43 662 829 448 Fax: +43 662 825 461 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consul in Austria (Vienna) Address: 0Glanzinggasse 17. A-1190 Wien, AUSTRIA City: Vienna Phone: +43 16042542 Fax: +43 16031950 Email: [email protected]
Consulate of Lithuania in Australia Address: 26 Jalanga Crescent, Aranda ACT 2614, Australia City: Aranda Phone: 02 6253 2062 Fax: 02 6253 2063 Email: [email protected]
Consul honoraire en Arménie Adresse : 22, rue K. Parpetsi, 0002 Erevan, Arménie Ville : Erevan Téléphone : +374 10 531500 Fax : +374 10 531500 E-mail : [email protected]
Honorary Consul in Argentina (Buenos Aires) Address: Florida 15 P4 [C1005AA], Buenos Aires,, Argentina City: Buenos Aires Phone: +54 11 43331 1525; +54 11 43331 1528 Email: [email protected]
Honorary Consul in Argentina (Rosario) Address: Tucuman 2744, Rosario, Santa Fe S2000JVL, Argentina City: Rosario Phone: +54 3414387389 Email: [email protected]
Consulate of Lithuania in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Address: Room 1101-1104, 11/F Hang Bong Commerical Centre, 28, Shanghai Street, Jordon, Kowloon City: Hong Kong Phone: 27226888