Consulate General of the Netherlands in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Address: Saigon Tower, suite 901, 29 Le Duan Boulevard, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ville: Hô Chi Minh
Phone: +84 8 8235932/33
Fax: +84 8 8235934 or +84 8 8241402
Email: [email protected]
About Consulate General of the Netherlands in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Dutch Consulate in Ho Chi Minh runs an inclusive range of consular services to local, Dutch, and international citizens in Vietnam.
The Dutch Consulate in Ho Chi Minh supports Vietnamese citizens through its consular services, if they:
- Need general or specific info regarding Dutch economy, culture, sports, education and more
- Besoin d'informations sur les exigences et le processus d'obtenir la citoyenneté néerlandaise
- Contacts et informations spécifiques aux Pays-Bas
- Vous voulez demander et obtenir les visas néerlandais
Visas and Passport services of Consulate General of the Netherlands in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Dutch passport and visas from Dutch Consulate in Ho Chi Minh are issued only to citizens whose main residence is in Netherlands and Vietnam.
The process of issuing Dutch Visas and Passport of Netherlands can take few weeks.
*Please contact with Dutch Consulate in Ho Chi Minh if you have any question as regards of visa and passport matters.
représentations néerlandaises au Vietnam
In addition to the Dutch Consulate in Ho Chi Minh, Netherlands also has 1 other representation in Vietnam:
représentations vietnamiennes aux Pays-Bas
- Ambassade du Vietnam à La Haye est la seule représentation vietnamienne aux Pays-Bas