Embassy of the Lao PDR in Canberra, Australia Address: 1 Dalmain Crescent O’Malley, Canberra ACT 2606, Australia City: Canberra Phone: (+61-2) 62864595, 62864535, 62866933 Fax: (+61 6) 290-1910 Website: http://www.laosembassy.net Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday – Friday (except public holiday) 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Embajada de la República Democrática Popular Lao en Hanoi, Vietnam Dirección: 22 Rue Tran Bing Trong, distrito de Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam Ciudad: Hanoi Teléfono: (844) 942 9746, 942 4576, 942 2735 Fax: (+84 4) 822-8414
Consulate General of the Lao PDR in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Address: 93 Pasteur St, District l, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam City: Ho Chi Minh Phone: (+84 8) 829-7667or 829-9275 Fax: (+84 8) 829-9272
Consulate General of the Lao PDR in Danang, Vietnam Address: 12 Tran Quy-Cap, Danang, Vietnam City: Danang Phone: (+84 51) 821-208 Fax: (+84 51) 822-628
Consulate of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos Address: 40 Quang Trung Street, HoanKiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam City: Hanoi Phone: (+84-4) 8252588 Fax: (+84-4) 8228414